You must type something to make the screen scroll back to the main document. Double-clicking an endnote number places the cursor in the text after its citation number, but does not scroll the screen.
In this Article: Article Summary Word 2007/2010/2013/2016 (Windows) Word 2011 (Mac) Word 2003 (Windows) or Word 2004/2008 (Mac) Community Q&A Footnotes allow you to cite sources or explain a concept in detail without sidetracking the main text. Watch video How to Add a Footnote to Microsoft Word. Tip: To return to your place in your document, double-click the endnote mark. Word inserts a reference mark in the text and adds the endnote mark at the end of the document. Quick Reference Guide for Mac EndNote 2 What you can do with EndNote The instructions below are for using EndNote with Microsoft Word, but the EndNote X8 cite while you write feature also works with.
Place Text After Endnotes Word For Mac Average ratng: 6,0/10 9657 votesĮndNote X8 for Mac is fully compatible with Microsoft Word for Macintosh: 20 (version 15.21.1 or later).